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Maipo Valley

Qutu Brandy is the spirit of a country, between the mountains and the sea,

in a remote corner of South America.

It is a secret reclaimed after a century, it is the only brandy developed in these lands, 

it rescues knowledge of craft that dates back to the origins of Chile.

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This exclusive Brandy is distilled in the traditional Charentaise method, aged for four years in French oak, and made from Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes  grown at La Rinconada Hacienda, in Chile´s famed Maipo Valley

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Our (secret) 

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The history of distillation in Chile goes back centuries, producing our local Pisco from grapes. It was only during the 19th century that Brandy began to be made in the country, with the arrival of French Charentais stills and oak barrels. One of those brandies was produced in the Bodega Quinta Normal by the University of Chile, just when Chile had left behind its struggle for independence and was consolidating itself as an independent republic


This way of making brandy was lost during the XX century, but the University of Chile kept its recipe, only for academic purposes. The secret of Chilean brandy was kept hidden for more than a century. A secret that brought together the artisanal technique of our ancestors with the natural bounty of this fertile land. Thanks to the rescue of this recipe, Chilean brandy is back today by Qutu.

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​Aged Single Estate Brandy

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The stars have always kept secrets. The ancient Quechua peoples of the high plains of northern Chile looked at those stars to guide their agricultural methods. The Pleiades, Qutú in the Quechua language, appear in late May to indicate the beginning of the cold season.
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The Pleiades constellation, as a Quechua loom abstraction

The label represents a Quechua loom that symbolizes our respect for the ancestral knowledge of the Andean people.  The seven points on the Quechua loom are seven stars of the Qutu constallation. They are copper colored as the abundant treasure in the Chilean mountains, just like our Brandy Qutu.
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Today the appearance of Qutu in the southern skies marks the time when, after 2 months of vinification, we commence distilling and storing our brandy.
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